This book, a compilation of Rav Chaim Kanievsky's lessons on the mitzvah of Shemitta is a great way to get in tune with what this mitzvah can mean to you on a personal level, even if you aren't a farmer or living in Eretz Yisroel.
In it you will find:
• The Jewish perspective and lessons to be learned from the mitzvah of Shemittah, such as finding the proper balance between emunah and hishtadlus
• Inspiring stories of Shemittah observance
• Selected laws of Shemittah based on the halachic rulings of the Chazon Ish and Rav Chaim Kanievsky
• Special feature: The 9 mitzvos of Shemittah, from The Schottenstein Edition Sefer HaChinuch, The Book of Mitzvos
Size: 6'' x 9''